Episodes 31 and 32- Hearty White (Conversation 2, pt. 1)
Episodes 31 & 32 - Hearty White (see also episode 8!)
Episodes 31 & 32 - Hearty White (see also episode 8!)
Episode 31 - Hearty White (see also episode 8!) Here's the first ***two*** new episodes with WFMU radio talker Hearty White (one longish conversation split in two) coming up this week and next. If you haven't listened to our first conversation back in Episode 8, DO!
Episode 32 - Hearty White (see also episodes 8 and 31!) Here are the pretty much the same notes as our last episode (part 1 of this conversation), with one addition - here's a link to "super cenetnarian" Lillian Cox, who comes up.