Episode 49 - Mira Bartok

Episode 49 - Mira Bartok

Mira Bartok is a dear old grad school and Pioneer Valley friend. We had a conversation about the Cinderella-story-40-plus-years-in-the making that is the last whirlwind two years of her career as a writer and an artist, during which, among other wonders, her debut middle-grade novel was snatched up by Hollywood before it was even sold as a novel or even finished!

Also available on Spotify, iTunes, and pretty much everywhere pods are cast! (just search for "15 minutes jamie berger). 

Mira Bartok is a dear old grad school and Pioneer Valley friend. We had a conversation about the Cinderella-story-40-plus-years-in-the making that is the last whirlwind two years of her career as a writer and an artist, during which, among other wonders, her debut middle-grade novel was snatched up by Hollywood before it was even sold as a novel or even finished!

Here’s her official Bio:
Mira Bartók is the author and illustrator of numerous books for children and adults, including The Memory Palace, a New York Times bestselling memoir and winner of the 2011 National Book Critics Circle Award for autobiography, and The Wonderling, the first in a middle grade series, published by Candlewick Press. A major motion picture of The Wonderling, directed by Stephen Daldry (The Crown, Billie Elliot, The Reader), is currently in development. Mira is also a spokesperson for TransCultural Exchange, an international arts organization that seeks to foster greater understanding between world cultures through artistic collaboration. She lives in Western Massachusetts with her musician husband Doug Plavin and their little dog Sadie.

We spoke in October in her writing/art studio behind her house in Western Mass.

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