Photographer Anja Schütz / Human/Hooper Lindsay Mace
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Anja Schütz is a photographer. She's also my (Jamie here, not going to write about myself in the third person) wife. In the past two weeks, her life has changed a great deal as a project she embarked on as a way to make a political statement with a few friends has blossomed into something much bigger.
One response to Donald Trump's "Grab them . . . " tape was the hashtag #grabhimbytheballot. Anja was inspired by the hashtag and came up with a photo project: strong, straighforward portraits of women, nude, holding a strategically placed ballot. It started with three portraits, and then a post on Facebook, and then two local papers wrote about it, then a national website picked it up, and then over 60-women from as far afield as Vermont and Connecticut arrived on Saturday 10/22/16, to be photographed. And the project keeps growing. Anja will be shooting women in NYC on 11/5 and here in the Pioneer Valley just about every day, posting a few each day, from now until election day. Here's where to find the pictures, and some of the press
Anja Schütz' Site (
Camille Kennedy